
30/09/2013 23:32

My life is just a big fuck show. Everything and I mean absolutely everything just constantly fucks up in the end. People are bipolar feelings go away friends leave parents hate you more and more. Honestly I just want out. That's all I want is out. I'm tired of it all of it. I can't stand my life. It's unliveable. How can one deal with so much stress at one time it's utterly impossible. I can not even stress enough how lonely I constantly feel and how much I feel as though I don't have any friends. And it's sad thing to think but I want to just end it .. All of it .. I just don't feel like doing anything. All I'm holding back against is the rumours or the feelings people will have. Or the fake people who would say oh she was such a nice girl. She shouldn't have died. Well fucking prove to me fucking prove to me that I mean something to you. Don't brush me aside don't say you talked to me when only I made the effort and certainly don't say you loved me when you felt nothing all along. Fuck people I'm done.